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List of Appropriate Preposition With Examples

  • Aware of: People should be aware of their right.
  • Aim at: He aimed at the lion.
  • Annoyed at: My brother is annoyed at our plan.
  • Annoyed with: My mother is annoyed with us.

  • Access to: We have free access to the information.
  • Accuse (somebody) of: We should not accuse him of the robbery.
  • Approve of: I cannot approve of your misconduct.
  • Adhere to: We should adhere to our strategy.
  • Admit of: His conduct admits of no defense.
  • Affix to/on: Please, affix this hallmark to/on the envelop.
  • Afraid of: She is afraid of working there.
  • Allot to: Sixty shares were allotted to him.
  • Amazed at: We are amazed at his manners.
  • Ambition for: We should have ambition for attaining higher point.
  • Image result for appropriate preposition list
  • Ambitious 0f: He is ambitious of distinction.
  • Anxious about: I am anxious about the outcome.
  • Anxious for: I am anxious for the reward.
  • Apologize to: You all must apologize to him for your conduct.
  • Appetite for: They have no appetite for food.
  • Apply to (person): I applied to him for the position.
  • Apprised of: We were apprised of the occurrence.
  • Aptitude for: The boy has no aptitude for art.
  • Aspiration for / after: The boy has no aspiration for/after riches.
  • Assent to: They assented to the bid.
  • Compare with: Himel is often compared with Liza.
  • Compare to: The girl is compared to spring.
  • Congenial to: This ether is congenial to sound
  • Condole with: I condoled with him on his sister’s death.
  • Confident of: I am confident of success in this instance.
  • Congratulate on: We congratulated him on his victory.
  • Consist of: Our family consists of six members.
  • Consist in: True happiness consists in gratification.
  • Consistent with: Our works must be consistent with our plan.
  • Contact with: He has a good contact with the good boys.
  • Contemporary of: Tazuddin was contemporary of Sheikh Mujib.
  • Contrary to: Your plan is contrary to his.
  • Control of / over: The boy does not have control of/over himself.
  • Conversant with: He was not conversant with the plan.
  • Converted to: He was converted to Islam.
  • Converted into: The water has been converted into ice.
  • Convict of: He was convict of trick.
  • Conducive to: Fresh air is conducive to strength.
  • Contempt for: Mona Lisa has a strong contempt for pop music.
  • Confine to: Still the women are confined to the kitchen.
  • Cope with: Sometimes we cannot cope with so many difficulties.
  • Charge against: We have 2 charges against him.
  • Charged with: The chairman was charged with corruption.
  • Contribution to: Hafsa has much contribution to our women education.
  • Contribute to: Zahanar Imam has contributed a lot to our women education.
  • Decide upon: They have not decided upon their plan.
  • Decide against: The issue was decided against him.
  • Meditate to: Hamza dedicates all his works to his teachers.
  • Defer to: The manager has deferred the discussion to the next meeting.
  • Delight in: Marry finds delight in book.
  • Delighted at/with: My friends are delighted at/with my result.
  • Deliver to: The books are delivered to him.
  • Deprived of: The poor are deprived of the light of education.
  • Deal in (Business) (something): His brother deals in Jute.
  • Deal with: His father deals with Mr. Hannan .
  • Depend on: Our economy depends on industry.
  • Dependent on: Our economy is dependent on industry.
  • Desist from: We desisted from doing the work.
  • Dislike to/ for: Nur has dislike to/for the boy.
  • Dispense with: They dispensed with his services.
  • Dispose of: We disposed of our labor in time.
  • Dissent from: We dissent from your ideas.
  • Distrust of: They have no distrust of him.
  • Devote to: The girl is devoted to reading.
  • Diffident of: Hafsa is diffident of success.
  • Differ from: She differs from me on this matter.
  • Different from: They are different from us.
  • Emphasis on: The principal gave emphasis on his opinion.
  • Entrust (something to somebody): He entrusted him with the property.
  • Entrust (somebody with something): He entrusted the book to her.
  • Escape from: There is no escape from death.
  • Essential to: Hard work is essential to achievement.
  • Excel in: The man excels in art.
  • Exempt from: The students were exempted from fine.
  • Expose to: Don’t expose it to the sun.
  • Famous for: Dinajpur is famous for rice.
  • Faithful to: The dog is faithful to its master.
  • Favourable to: His speech was favourable to our action.
  • Favourable for: The situation is favourable for attack.
  • Fruitful in: His brain is fruitful in trick.

  • Fruitless of: Our labour is fruitless of any gain.
  • Fond of: He is fond of music.
  • Fondness for: He has fondness for sweets.
  • Foreign to: The idea was foreign to us.
  • Familiar to: He is familiar to me.
  • Familiar with: My father is very familiar with Arabic. .
  • Glory in: We glory in your success.
  • Good at: He is good at mathematics.
  • Grateful to: You should be grateful to him.
  • Guilty of: He is guilty of theft.
  • Guard against: You should guard against mistakes.
  • Guard from/against: Guard against such mistakes.
  • Hang to//on/from: Hang it to/on/from the wall.
  • Hanker after: Everyone hankers after happiness.
  • Hear of / about: I heard of/about his father from my friend.
  • Hesitate at: We should not hesitate at speaking the truth.
  • Hint at: He hinted at the problem earlier.
  • Hostile to: No one should be hostile to such a plan.
  • Identical with: Your idea is identical with mine.
  • Ignorant of: All of us were ignorant of the problem.
  • Immaterial to: This is immaterial to your case.
  • Immune from/ against/ to: We are not immune from/against/to any attack from the enemy.
  • Import to: The idea imparted to him was wrong.
  • Impose upon: Himel has imposed upon all of us.
  • Impute to: The police imputed their crime to the victim’s associates.
  • Indebted to: They are indebted to you for your help.
  • Indulge in: Do not indulge in wine.
  • Infer from: We all could not infer anything from his speech.
  • Innocent of: The boy is innocent of the charge.
  • Inquire for/ after: The principal inquired for/ after students.
  • Insist upon: Himel insisted upon my going there.
  • Intent on: I am intent on doing that.
  • Involved in: Himel was not involved in the action.
  • Indifferent to: Himel is indifferent to our activities.
  • Influence on: Her success has great influence on my present activities.
  • Jealous of: Shefa is jealous of my success.
  • Jest at: We all should not jest at religion.
  • Judge by: We should not judge a thing only by appearance.
  • Kind to: My father was kind to the poor.
  • Kindness to: My father showed kindness to the poor.
  • Known to: Himel is known to me.
  • Lack of: The boy has lack of common sense.
  • Laugh at: Never laugh at the poor.
  • Libel on: The novel is a libel on human nature.
  • Liking for: The girl has a liking for me.
  • Live in: He lives in Dhaka.
  • Long for / after: Who does not long for/after happiness?
  • Loyal to: We should be loyal to our government.
  • Marry to: He was married to Suchi.
  • Match for: Mahadi has no match for Shakil.
  • Match with: That colour does not match with that.
  • Meet with: Yesterday I met with a bus-accident.
  • Mourn for: The people mourn for their great hero.
  • Natural to: This behavior is natural to him.
  • Necessary for/ to: Industry is necessary for/to success.
  • Object to: We object to that remark.
  • Occur to: The idea did not occur to Anis at that time.
  • Open to: Her remark is open to objection.
  • Oppose to: The principal has opposed to our proposal.
  • Opposite to: Her house is opposite to mine.
  • Opposition to: There is no opposition to the bill.
  • Partake of: Let Himel partake of some food.
  • Particular about: Bob is very particular about building his life.
  • Peculiar to: This type of dress is peculiar to Liza.
  • Permit of: My conduct does not permit of a sympathetic consideration.
  • Pity for: Himel has no pity for the poor.

  • Play on: Shefa plays on a piano well.
  • Play with: Himel played with my feelings.
  • Pleased with: The principal is pleased with the students.
  • Point out: At first you should point out the problem.
  • Point at: Himel pointed his gun at the bird.
  • Point to: Her speech pointed to some of our defects.
  • Popular with: Himel is popular with the students for his sense of humour.
  • Preside over: Himel presided over the meeting.
  • Preside at: Himel presided at the table.
  • Prevent from: Grass prevents soil from washed away.
  • Prior to: Her proposal was placed prior to yours.
  • Profit by: We all profit by practical experience.
  • Prefer to: She prefers coffee to tea.
  • Preference for: I have preference for English novels.
  • Protest against: The workers will protest against their employers bad activities.
  • Prejudice against: We have no prejudice against any religion.
  • Pretext for: This is his pretext for your going there.
  • Pride in: Shefa takes pride in her beauty.
  • Proficient in: Ibnat is proficient in English.
  • Qualified for: Shefa is qualified for the post.
  • Quick at: Ibnul is very quick at mathematics.
  • Quick of: Shefa is quick of understanding the matter.
  • Reason with: Himel reasoned with me on this issue.
  • Pity for: Himel has no pity for the poor.
  • Play on: Shefa plays on a guiter well.
  • Play with: She played with my feelings.
  • Pleased with: The principal is pleased with the students.
  • Recover from: May your mother recovers from the disease very soon.
  • Refer to: This statement does not refer to you.
  • Regard for: We have no regard for this old man.
  • Relevant to: Your speech was relevant to the concern.
  • Relieve from /of: This will relieve you from toothache.
  • Rely on: We should not rely on this fickle-minded man.
  • Remarkable for: Himel is remarkable for his oratory.
  • Remind of: The accident reminds me of my friend’s death.
  • Reply to: He did not give any reply to her proposa1.
  • Respect for: Shefa has great respect for me.
  • Respectful to: We all should be respectful to our teachers.
  • Respond to: You did not respond to my call.
  • Rest with a person: Now it rests with you to grant my urge.
  • Rest upon (something): We rested upon your capacity.
  • Reward with: The president rewarded him with the medal for his fearless action.
  • Rebel against: The hostility rebelled against the government.
  • Related to: Our actions are related to our mentality.
  • Result from: Viciousness results from frustration.
  • Rid of: It is high time you got rid of your bad habits.
  • Rivalry with: They have no rivalry with him.
  • Rob of: The mugger robbed me of my possessions.
  • Sanguine of: They are sanguine of success.
  • Satisfied with: Roy is satisfied with the boy.
  • Search for: I was searching for these scopes.
  • Sentence to: John Dryden was sentenced to death for murder.
  • Shame at/for: Your parent feels shame at/for your conduct.
  • Short of: Himel ran short of money.
  • Shrink from: Shefa shrinks from doing this.
  • Side with: We should side with the blind people.
  • Smile upon: Fortune smiles upon the brave.
  • Snatch at: A drowning man snatches at a straw.
  • Stare at: Himel stared at me.
  • Strange to: Himel name is strange to all of us.
  • Submit to: At last the protestors submitted to the president.
  • Sufficient for: These pens are not sufficient for us.
  • Suffer from: The girl has been suffering from fever for two days.
  • Suffer for: We must suffer for our misdeeds.
  • Suitable for/ to: That food is not suitable for/to them.
  • Supplement to: That document is supplement to that.
  • Sure of: She was sure of passing the examination.
  • Surprised at/ by: We all were surprised at/by her performance.
  • Suspect of: We suspect the boy of theft.

  • Suspicious for / of: Himel has no sympathy for/of the poon.
  • Shocked at: Himel was shocked at my conduct.
  • Similar to: Your idea is similar to mine.
  • Taste for: Himel has no taste for music.
  • Thankful to: She was thankful to you for your help.
  • Tell on/upon: Smoking tells on/upon our health.
  • Tide over: We can easily tide over the problem.
  • Tolerant of: They should be tolerant of opposition.
  • Tremble with: The kid is trembling with fear.
  • True to: One should be true to one’s words.
  • Think of: Hafsa should think of the matter.
  • Unequal to: Rifa feels unequal to the task.
  • Unite with: We all united with them for better performance.
  • Urge upon: We urged the issue upon his request.
  • Useful to(a person) for (a purpose): This technology will be useful to the students for understanding the problem.
  • Vain of: The girl is vain of her beauty.
  • Versed in: My father was well versed in politics.
  • Vest with: She was vested with the authority.
  • Victim of: We are the victim of the earthquake disaster. .
  • Victim to: The driver falls in a victim to avarice.
  • Void of: Her speech is void of any meaning.
  • Wait upon: He waited upon the guests well.
  • Want for: You have no want for money now.
  • Wanting in: The boy is wanting in generosity.

  • Wish for: They do not wish for riches.
  • Wander at (something): We wondered at the natural diversity of the place.
  • Worthy of: Her speech is worthy of praise.
  • Yield to: They must yield to reason.
  • Zest for: I have no zest for listening to music.
  • Zealous for: He was very much zealous for doing the work.S