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Phrase & Idioms .

1.Prima facie- At first view
2.Moot point- An undecided matter
3.Modus vivendi- way of living// truce
4.Modus operandi- Method of operation
5.Carte blanche — complete freedom
6.Brazen faced- shameless
7.In toto- completely
8.Shilly shally– hesitate
9.Hulla baloo– uproar, loud noise
10.Baker’s dozen- Thirteen
11.Salt of life- Valuable things
12.Sharp practice- betrayal
13.A green horn- An inexperienced person
14.A black leg —- A preson who works while his colleagues are on strike
15.Billet- doux – Love letter
16.A small fortune — a lot of money
17.white collar job—– official job
18.Blue collar job—- manual job
19. pink collar job —— low paid job done at restaurants
20.Sedentary job—- job done seating

21.A whited sepulchre– a hypocrite
22.tete a tete – private conversation
23.Nem con– unanimously / without objection
24.One’s Achilles’ heel — is one’s weak point
25.One’s forte —- is one’s strong point
26.Ad lib —– spontaneous, speak without preparation, improvise.
27. Adam’s apple — Part at the front of the neck especially prominent in men.
28.Over the moon— being too happy.
30.Talk Turkey —- discuss a problem with a real intention to solve it.
31.Volte face —– sudden& complete change in one’s position over an issue.
32.To ‘cold shoulder ‘somebody is to – Insult him.
33.To kick the bucket’ means – Die.
34. Down to earth ‘means- realistic
35. ‘Weed out’ means- to get rid of
36.Pin money’ means- Sundry expenses.
37.Cut and dry’ means- already decided.
38.‘ De facto’ means- in reality.
39. ‘ Sine die’ means- adjourned indefinitely.
40.Pretty penny= Very expensive
41.On their toes = Alert
42.Toot one’s own horn = Boast
43.Two minds = Unsure
44.Lit up like the sun = Be happy
45.Bearish market — share price is falling
45,Bull market —- share prices are rising
46.Blue chip– share considered to be safe investment
47.Bon voyage-Wish You a good trip
48.Speed/ Hush money – Bribe
49.Sub Judice- matter under judicial consideration
50.Cul-de-sac- dead end
51.Razzmatazz-A noisy activity
52.Lingua franca- The common language
53.Donkey work- The hard and boring part of a job.
54.Dark horse- Unknown person
55.Swang song-Last work
56.Note bene-Mark well
57.Vice versa- The terms being exchanged
58.Soft soap- Flatter for self motives
59.Dog days-Hot weather
60.Hold water- Bear examination
61.Root and branch-Completety
62.On cloud nine —– extremely happy
63. Every cloud has a silver lining — there is always a more hopeful side to every difficult situation
64.Bill of fare- list of dishes/ menu
65.Infra dig—— demeaning, beneath one’s prestige.

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